Lyric’s Thelma Gaylord Academy is the premiere musical theatre academy in the state of Oklahoma. Having served thousands of students since our founding in 2001, we have former students succeeding in all walks of life – from lawyers to doctors to educators, moms, dads, and yes – actors. Many of our alumni have gone on to careers in Hollywood, on television, and Broadway.
However, our proudest accomplishment is knowing that each and every student who goes through our program exits with a strong sense of self, their place in the community, and their responsibility to make a world that is accepting of their differences.
2024 Spring Calendar
July 25
Fall Enrollment Opens
August 3-6
Fall Musical Auditions (ages 6-18)
August 5
Fall Play Auditions (ages 14+ only)
August 5
Fall Private Lesson semester begins
August 9
Scholarship application deadline
August 10
Production rehearsals begin
August 10
JTF Parent Meeting*
August 19
Classes Begins
Oct. 14-Nov. 1
Class Break
October 14-20
Press Start Production Week**
October 21-27
Zombie Prom Production Week
October 28-Nov 3
Curious Incident Production Week
Week of November 4
Classes back in Session
May 13-18
Last Week of Spring Voice Lessons
Nov. 4-Dec. 21
JTF Expanded Rehearsals
Week of November 18
Last week of fall classes
Week of December 16
Last week of Fall Voice Lessons
December TBD
Fall Voice Recitals
*See JTF Page
**Likely your Fall Break Dates
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