Our Team

Michael Baron

Producing Artistic Director

Jim Reynolds

Managing Director

Ashley Wells

Executive Producer

Rozz Grigsby

Director of Education 

Lauren Leppke

Education Associate

Matthew Alvin Brown

RoKademy Director and Production Director

Kevin Smith

Private Voice Teacher

Ashlyn Adams

Dance Instructor, Choreographer

Mia Sherlock

Dance Instructor

Ashley Mandanas

Acting Instructor

Jeremy Sheets

Production Music Director

Chad Haney

Junior Theater Festival Coordinator and Music Director

Caleb Brooks

Production Director

Veronica Herrero

Production Choreographer

Ronn Burton

Production Director, Private Voice & Acting Teacher and Academy Professional Artist Training Program Instructor

Ashley Manners

Dance Instructor, Choreographer

Summer Baker

Production Director

Jeremy Sheets

Production Music Director, Class Voice Teacher

Kim Cobb

Production Music Director, Class Voice Teacher, Private Voice Teacher

Olivia Orr-Adams

Pre-production Instructor

Jenny Rader

Private Voice Teacher

Tristan Gfeller

Rokademy Assistant Director​

Lindse Barks & Savanah Turmel

Lyric Academy Parent Support (LAPS) Booster Club Coordinators

Our Partners

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